Had the BIG culminating performance of the Lewis & Clark Interdisciplinary Unit (IDU) today! The technology worked flawlessly. Today's performance by the 7th & 8th grade bands was an opportunity to perform for the student body, but just as important, it was a chance to showcase a lot of student projects. The majority of these projects and student wikis can be seen here: http://rmslewisandclark.wikispaces.com/
The wiki was very useful because it served as the hub of all activities that the students would be participating in. I used Wikispaces, but there many other free wiki sites. It was simple to create, yet had a ton of features. Writing text and posting pictures, videos, and music are all things that can be done, not just by me, but by the students. The wiki is also capable of embedding widgets. This proved to be especially exciting to my students.
In addition to the music and student projects, my colleague created an awesome video to accompany the band pieces. This video contained facts and trivia about the Lewis & Clark Expedition to accompany the music and really enhanced the performance for the audience. We chose to do this as a video instead of a Powerpoint because of the improved quality. She used Magix Movie Edit Pro to create the video. It has been my experience that when creating a lot of effects in Powerpoint, the transition from slide to slide tends to be choppy. A video takes care of that and the result is a smooth, glitch-free presentation.
The Elmo document viewer coupled with the LCD projector allowed us to present the student projects for the entire audience to view. These projects were journals made from paper and bound by twine. The audience was able to see the details of each journal which made the document viewer an extremely effective presentation tool.
The technology and resources we used in today's performance included: LCD projector, laptop w/WiFi, Wikispaces, Magix Movie Edit Pro, Windows MovieMaker, Elmo Document Viewer
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